Sabtu, 25 April 2015

PDF⋙ Tissue, Please! by Lisa Kopelke

Tissue, Please! by Lisa Kopelke

Tissue, Please!

Tissue, Please! by Lisa Kopelke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Frog and his friends can't stop sniffling. What's worse, they wipe their noses on their arms. Frog's runny nose is making it hard to concentrate in dance class, and it's disgusting his teacher, Miss Tutu. What Frog and his friends need are tissues!
Frog discovers nirvana when he finally uses a tissue to blow his nose. But what will happen when Frog is caught in the middle of his dance recital with a runny nose -- and no tissue? Lisa Kopelke's humorous text and exuberant art enliven this comedy of manners.

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