Sabtu, 18 April 2015

PDF⋙ Congenital Diseases of the Heart: Clinical-Physiological Considerations by Abraham Rudolph

Congenital Diseases of the Heart: Clinical-Physiological Considerations by Abraham Rudolph

Congenital Diseases of the Heart: Clinical-Physiological Considerations

Congenital Diseases of the Heart: Clinical-Physiological Considerations by Abraham Rudolph PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This important revision presents the accumulated knowledge of its highly-regarded author, Dr. Abraham Rudolph, who is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading pioneers in the field of Pediatric Cardiology. Fully revised and updated, the book includes sections considering the changes in pathophysiology with growth into adulthood and the effects of various treatment approaches. The author explains the physiology of normal fetal circulation and the effects of congenital cardiac lesions, with particular reference to the interactions between the lesions and fetal cardiovascular development.

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