Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ The Road to Collaborative Governance in China (Governing China in the 21st Century)

The Road to Collaborative Governance in China (Governing China in the 21st Century)

The Road to Collaborative Governance in China (Governing China in the 21st Century)

The Road to Collaborative Governance in China (Governing China in the 21st Century) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

China's transformation from a planned regime to a marketized and liberalized society has created unprecedented socioeconomic changes and challenges as well as new resources, capacities, and solutions. Collaborative governance (CG), the sharing of power and discretion between and within public, private, and nonprofit sectors for public purposes, has been increasingly adopted in China in response to daunting service demands and governance deficits. Using primary data and rigorous analysis, contributors offer perspectives on frontier developments of CG in China in areas such as elderly service delivery, environmental protection, disaster response, and infrastructure building with solid data and up-to-date analytical methods. In addition to a general theoretical examination of CG, this volume explores particular characters of CG as it's been adopted in China, contextual effects and consequences, and implications for future governance in China.

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