Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Siri Aurdal

Siri Aurdal

Siri Aurdal

Siri Aurdal PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Norwegian artist Siri Aurdal (born 1937) achieved prominence in her home country during the 1960s and ’70s with works that encouraged public participation. An interest in mathematics moved Aurdal to devise modular forms that could be reconceived for a range of sites, not only in the galleries and museums where they were initially exhibited. These works included installations made of common materials like Plexiglas or large-scale sinusoidal sculptures made of industrial tubes. The reproductions in this artist’s book include installation views, slides, drawings, collages, portraits and ephemera from the 1960s to 2016, highlighting many pieces that have never been exhibited or are no longer in existence. Aurdal collaborated with Norwegian artist Eline Mugaas on an exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus, and Mugaas extended their collaboration into book form, assembling this catalogue-cum-artist’s book. It gives a kaleidoscopic representation of Aurdal’s past ventures, her archive and her current studio work, lyrically arranged by Mugaas.

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