Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Essentials of Body MRI

Essentials of Body MRI

Essentials of Body MRI

Essentials of Body MRI PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Essentials of Body MRI extensively covers the field, offering clear and detailed guidance on MRI as an invaluable tool for the primary diagnosis and problem solving of diseases of the body, including the abdomen, liver, pancreas, pelvis, heart, urinary tract, and great vessels. The beginning chapters focus on the physics, pulse sequences, and other practical considerations related to body MR imaging, explained in an easy to understand way, to help the reader fully comprehend the imaging appearance of clinical disease. The remaining chapters discuss clinical applications, with topics spanning from the normal anatomic structures and diagnosis of abdominal, pelvic, cardiac, and vascular diseases to the modality's role as a tool for solving diagnostic problems. The key points of each chapter are boxed as Essentials to Remember for rapid review and learning. Written in clear, accessible text, and featuring 887 figures and numerous tables, Essentials of Body MRI is a resource that radiology residents, fellows, and anyone else who wants to learn about Body MRI, will turn to again and again.

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