The Conscious Pregnancy: A Spiritual and Practical Approach to Creating a Zen Baby by Shivani Gupta
The Conscious Pregnancy: A Spiritual and Practical Approach to Creating a Zen Baby by Shivani Gupta PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pregnant women have been taught to not question doctor’s orders. They have learned to comply with practices that are popular, but not entirely necessary. This militant way of unquestioning “because the doctor said so” can be disempowering to the expectant mother—and outright even dangerous, in many cases. In The Conscious Pregnancy, Shivani Gupta offers a spiritual and practical approach that empowers the modern-day woman to not feel guilty about going against societal norms to have a blissful pregnancy and childbirth. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: The concept for The Conscious Pregnancy was born in the same delivery room where Shivani gave birth to Anya, her first child. Despite Shivani’s healthy pregnancy, Anya had arrived seven days late and spent ten days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with a collapsed lung. It was a traumatizing childbirth she wishes upon no one—a bittersweet experience that became the impetus for Shivani to develop a new framework fusing Western practices with ancient Eastern healing modalities. Shivani vowed that when she became pregnant again, she was going to run the show—all the way into the birthing room. When Shivani gave birth to her second child, Aditya, her experience was much different than her first. Aditya arrived at 38 weeks and she delivered him with no complications. Shivani credits her conscious living framework for the heavenly childbirth experience the second time around because it prepared her mind, body, and spirit to make a Zen baby. For the first time ever, Shivani shares her framework publicly in The Conscious Pregnancy. Through her writing and work as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Healer, Shivani is blazing trails to help women throw out the rules, trust their intuition, and run the show. The Conscious Pregnancy is comprised of five distinct phases a woman goes through before, during, and after pregnancy: 1. Building the Baby Palace (Pre-Pregnancy) 2. The Sad, Sick, and Spent Phase (Trimester One) 3. The Beautiful, Blessed, and Blissful Phase (Trimester Two) 4. The Eager, Excruciating, and Equipped Phase (Trimester Three) 5. The Rebuilding, Restoring, and Renewing Phase (Post-Pregnancy) As you read the chapters and apply the tools that make the most sense to you, Shivani urges you to release the guilt we attach to why, what, how, and who we should be during pregnancy and childbirth. WHAT YOU'LL GET: Here are some of the free resources and tools you’ll get inside the book to help you navigate the journey before, during, and after pregnancy: - Detox and Supplements Recommendations - Reducing Toxic Burden in Your Home and Body - The Conscious Pregnancy Lifestyle Self-Survey - Simple Self-Care Rituals - Ayurvedic Must Do’s - Basic Must Do’s - Ways to Channel Your Creative Energies - Ways to Make the Third Trimester Tolerable - Conscious Birthing - The Conscious Pregnancy Lifestyle Choices - The Conscious Pregnancy Diet Guidelines - The 42-Day “Taking Care of Mom after Birth” Guide - Terms, Definitions, and Resources from the Experts (including additional information on birthing centers, homeopathy, energy medicine, and more) WHO THE BOOK IS FOR: - Women who are thinking about getting pregnant (in Chapter 1, you’ll learn why preparing at least six months to a year before conception is the best way to plan for a healthy and happy pregnancy and childbirth) - Women who already are pregnant (in Chapters 2 through 5, you’ll gain additional knowledge on Ayurveda and also basic must do’s every pregnant woman must know that can equip you for an optimal pregnancy and childbirth, and a conscious rest of your life) - Newly-delivered moms (in Chapter 5, you’ll learn crucial information to help you rebuild, restore, and renew your body, and you’ll also get a postpartum guide to help you develop a healthier and happy baby)From reader reviews:
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