How to Develop and Implement a Security Master Plan by Timothy Giles
How to Develop and Implement a Security Master Plan by Timothy Giles PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Engage Stakeholders with a Long-Term Solution
The goal: Convince executive management to "buy in" to your security program, support it, and provide the largest possible amount of funding.
The solution: Develop a meticulously detailed long-term plan that sells decision-makers on the dire need for your program, and then maps out its direction and required budget.
Assess and Outline Security Risks to Map Out Mitigation Strategies
This practical guide details how to construct a customized, comprehensive five-year corporate security plan that synchronizes with the strategies of any business or institution. The author explains how to develop a plan and implementation strategy that aligns with an organization’s particular philosophies, strategies, goals, programs, and processes. Readers learn how to outline risks and then formulate appropriate mitigation strategies. This guide provides tested, real-world solutions on how to:
- Conduct an effective, efficient assessment of the site and security personnel, meticulously addressing the particular needs of many different environments
- Make decisions about security philosophies, strategies, contract relationships, technology, and equipment replacement
- Interview executive and security management to determine their concerns, educate them, and ensure that they buy in to your plan
- Use all gathered data to construct and finalize the Security Master Plan and then implement it into the management of the business
Apply Insights from an Expert with Global Experience at the Highest Level
Author Tim Giles worked at IBM for 31 years serving as Director of Security for the company’s operations in the United States and Canada, as well as Latin America and Asia-Pacific. His immeasurable experience and insight provide readers with an extraordinarily comprehensive understanding that they can use to design and execute a highly effective, tailored security program.
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